Tannaz Farsi. Units of Movable Earth, 2017; 1,000 species tulips, soil, vinyl sacks. Installation view, Linfield Gallery, McMinnville, Oregon. Photo: Mario Gallucci.
Minh Nguyen: Tannaz Farsi’s Agents of Dispersal
Published January 16, 2018 in Art Practical
Inside Linfield Gallery, skyward-jutting tulips in sheer sacks of soil cluster together. Blur one’s eyes and the sight becomes strata of hues: the chocolate brown of mulch, the jewel green of leaves, the flowers’ loud carmine, fire-toned like a polluted sunrise. For the 2017 exhibition The Points of Departure at Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon, Tannaz Farsi transplanted one thousand tulips indoors to bloom at the spring equinox, which marks Norouz, Iranian New Year.
Read MoreInterview - Tannaz Farsi in conversation with Kristan Kennedy
KK: What is spirit?
TF: I love that the Latin translation equals breath—an operation that is conscious and unconscious—availing us to be present or helping us bypass the moment. A type of echo between the seen, the felt, and the imagined.
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